benefits of coconut water vita coco Hei te wai kokonati kua he hua rongonui mo te huinga hauora - whakaaro i runga i te tokorua whakamutunga o nga tau . Pau rite ki te inu whakahauora me te whiwhi rongonui rite asports inu i roto i ngä kaitäkaro . Ka taea te whakamahi ki te whakaputa i nata de fisiiniú ( he tiēre - likefood ) me te kokonati winika ( ka rewena ) wai kokonati .
Ko noa te wai i roto i te anga kokonati wai kokonati . Kitea te wai i roto i te kokonati taitamariki , he kokonata matomato . Kikī ana tēnei wai parakore ki ngā matūkai e hua i te ngohi o te hua hauora . Ko te tino hydrating me he ki tonu i te huaora me ngā ōpapa . Noatia whakahauora , te wai kokonati he pangia e reka . Oku i ai e te warowaihā ngāwari digested i roto i te ahua o te huka me te electrolytes .
Hua hauora o Coconut Water
Āhuatanga Antioxidant . Ko te ngako utu wai kokonati me he Calories iti . He maha antioxidants .
Utaina maroketanga . Wai kokonati Utaina maroketanga me mahi hei antioxidant .
Ihirangi potassiun pai . E 600 milligrams o te pāhare pāporo i roto i te mahi tuari o te wai kokonati .
Glycemic iti . Wai kokonati i te huka tāpiri me te taea e meinga te matau i roto i to koutou huka toto .
He puna o atu ngā matūkai . He kapu o te wai kokonati E 15 % o te uara o ia rā, mō te magnessium . 17 % mō te konupora , me te 10 % mō te huaora C.
Source hoki te konutai . Kotahi kapu o te wai kokonati kei mō 250 milligrams o te konutai e āwhina hydrating reira i ngaro i roto i te werawera .
Electrolytes . Wai kokonati kei electrolytes , me era atu ano he te konupūmā me te konupora e āwhina i ngā pūtau tinana ki te kawe ponana hiko .
Hua hauora o te wai kokonati mō te pēpi
Te rongoā mō ngā mate gastrointestinal .
Rossesses āhuatanga antibacterial .
Akono mate mimi .
Puna Best hoki rehydration .
Te rongoā mō te bilious kirika .
Ka taea e hamani korara .
Ko te ara pai ki te koa ki te wai kokonati he tika i te kokonati . Ka taea e koe Ko tamata ara tetahi ki te koa ki te wai kokonati .
Wai kokonati 1 kapu
1 ringa kōkihi
1 kūkamo
1 te kakau herewi
1 Tbs . chia purapura
1-2 kapu paināporo ( hou tio ranei )
Whakaranu i a oaoa i
Tāpiri tio ki te whakamahi i paināporo hou
Kia mōhio mai : e kore he tika inu ki nui o ia rā te wai kokonati i te mea etahi mōrearea ki te hauora , te hua i roto i ihirangi pāhare pāporo , hua i roto i te taimaha ( e tika ana ki te ihirangi huka māori i roto i te wai kokonati ) me te pānga i runga i ngā taumata huka toto .
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